Sales Rep Management

Sales Rep Management

Unique sales rep management platform.

Orderwerks is a powerful cloud-based sales rep management platform. Easily setup and manage your sales reps and their accounts.

Learn More About Orderwerks


Sales Rep Management

Manage Sales Reps and their Territories easily. Quickly replace or add new reps to territories necessary.

Rep Groups Screen

Account Access

Setup and maintain the list of accounts that a sales rep can access and view.

Rep Groups Screen

Mobile App

Powerful mobile app for Sales Reps to have product catalog, ordering, customer list and it's all offline ready.

Shipping Notifications

Sales reps can be notified of customer shipments to easily track and assist with customer service requests.

CRM Capabilities

Maintain customer details and contacts for visibility for sales reps.

Bulk Processing

Manage bulk sales rep accounts using built-in tools and features.


Commission Reports

Allow sales reps to easily and at their discretion, run their own personal commission reports.

Shared Territories

Multiple sales reps can maintain a single territory with the same assigned accounts.

Instant Sales Numbers

Gain instant visibility for their daily, weekly and monthly sales numbers.